Thursday, January 13, 2011

When seconds count the government is minutes away

Politics have enamored me most of my life, since I watched Apocalypse Now when I was 7 or 8 actually. I always seen it as a study of humanity in general, since politics are driven by current ideas and trends that hold a cultures interest. From that perspective what has been happening lately has been really fucking sick lately, from my point of view. It has been building for a while I'm sure but I'm not sure I could point to the start. The politicizing and blatant, sick use of what the psycho did in Arizona, mixed with the other big story of this week, that of the "feel good" adoration of a bastard making a-hole drunk, pushed me off my civil edge. I have not lost my virulent Libertarian convictions, I have lived in a Communist country and a Socialist one so my perspective comes from a place deep within my bones, but I don't want to participate in paying attention to the day to day political current events or be involved in a discussion about it with others about things.
Two stories today help me justify my accord, one was an opinion article comparing how current perception of government mimics religious conceptions of God, and a story detailing what occurred at a rally in Oakland yesterday. The "non-partisan" rally in support of the victims of the Tucson psycho blamed Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Tea Party for the Arizona massacre and the lynching and killing of millions of black people.
Its funny I expressed my frustration and decision to a few people and the responses, while predictable, have been entertaining. My new age friend, who for a year or more has been sick and tired of listening to me tell him my views of politics (and probably sick of my opinion in general) almost congratulated me. He has taken your cookie cutter Cali believes (of: right wing is a bad idea embraced only by inbred rednecks, religion is a horrible no-good succubus of the weak-minded, and embracing unquestioning creativity over skill) and  crafted them into a decent, respectable, new-age amalgamation. Through that kaleidoscope he believes US is in decline and major changes are about to happen to gov so there is no point in paying attention to it, so to him none of it matters cause no matter what it will all change.
Conversely a friend of mine who is a really great guy, but holds stringent leftist views got offended at me, not at my change, but that in my opinion the way the left used the shooting as an attack on anyone not in line with their faith. Thinking back I should have expected it, lately my differing persuasions have been irritating him. A few weeks ago I sent him a message about the events in Belarus, pointing out how it wasn't getting any coverage (at first). He responded by  saying that the president of Belarus must be friends with Glenn Beck and  Greta VanSusteren. I didn't even fucking understand the connection, later he said he thought I was attacking his faith because he thought I would say NPR is ignoring the situation. I was stunned then but when he got irritated by my being sickened by the parasites it just saddened me and strengthened my conviction.
So far so good, hopefully I can let go and give up those civic duties. I once was convinced that even if we came to no agreement it is good to discuss principles, if nothing else than to strengthen the convictions. I have learned I was wrong, it's unwanted, can't argue with emotions, especially the feel-good ones.     
Feels good.

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